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In-person & Telehealth parent coaching Therapy based in Atlanta:

Imagine what it would feel like to find the support you need to help your struggling child

Our goal is to empower you, as parents and caregivers, with the skills necessary to support your child’s mental health journey in a compassionate and collaborative environment.

What Is Parent Coaching?

Parent coaching is a process where trained therapists work directly with parents and caregivers to provide guidance, support, and strategies to enhance their parenting skills. The goal is to create a positive and nurturing environment for the child while also addressing any specific concerns or issues the family might be facing. The key components to parent coaching are: 

  • Individualized support: Each family is unique, and parent coaching is tailored to address the specific needs and goals of the parents and their children.

  • Skill Development: Our therapists teach parents a variety of skills, such as effective communication, distress tolerance, behaviorism skills like reinforcement and shaping, conflict resolution, and emotional regulation.

  • Behavior Management: Parents learn strategies to manage their child's behavior, set appropriate boundaries, and reinforce positive behaviors.

  • Problem-Solving Strategies: Therapists assist parents in identifying and addressing specific problems or concerns, such as managing stress, specific behavioral concerns, or improving family dynamics.

  • Strengthening Relationships: We focus on enhancing the parent-child relationship through improved communication, understanding, and empathy.

  • Emotional Support: Coaching provides parents with emotional support, help

  • Strengthening Relationships: We focus on enhancing the parent-child relationship through improved communication, understanding, and empathy.

How Does Parent Coaching Work and what are the benefits?

Assessment: The process typically begins with an assessment to understand the family's specific needs, strengths, and challenges.

Goal Setting: Working in collaboration, parents and the therapist will set specific, achievable goals.

Practice and Implementation: Regular sessions are held weekly, typically for a few weeks depending on each family’s needs and goals, during which the therapist provides guidance, support, and feedback. 

Phone Coaching: Having access to your therapist outside of regular sessions is a valuable aspect of parent coaching. This typically involves a brief, 5-minute phone call where your therapist can provide you with skills and strategies in the moment. This approach helps in generalizing learning and applying the techniques in real-time situations. 

Review and Adjust: Progress is reviewed regularly as parents continue to practice their new skills and strategies at home. Through collaboration adjustments are made to ensure the goals are being met. Usually at this point sessions are held bi-weekly. 

* Please note that every family is different. Typically parent coaching is a weekly process for the first few weeks and then is reduced to bi-weekly. We cannot predict how many sessions parents and caregivers will need. It is based on the needs and goals of each family.

  • Improved Parenting Skills: Parents gain practical tools and techniques to manage everyday challenges and foster a positive home environment.

  • Enhanced Family Relationships: Strengthened communication and understanding lead to healthier, more connected family relationships.

  • Increased Confidence: Parents feel more confident in their ability to support and guide their children effectively.

  • Supportive Environment: Our therapists offer a non-judgmental space for parents to discuss their concerns and receive constructive feedback.

  • Increased Outcomes for Children Participating in Therapy: Children benefit from a more structured, supportive, and loving environment, which can improve their emotional and behavioral health. Children whose parents and caregivers are involved in learning new skills have increased and more productive outcomes in their own mental health treatment. 

What Are The Benefits of Parent Coaching?

Looking specifically for Adolescent DBT?

Learn more about our DBT program.


  • Any parent or caregiver seeking to enhance their parenting skills, improve family dynamics, or address specific concerns (e.g., behavioral issues, communication difficulties) can benefit from parent coaching. It's suitable for parents of children of all ages, even adult children. 

  • During a session, your therapist will discuss your concerns and goals, provide guidance and strategies, and offer feedback on your progress. Sessions are typically collaborative and tailored to your family's unique situation. They may involve role-playing, problem-solving, skill-building exercises, and homework.

  • The duration of parent coaching varies based on the family's needs and goals. Some families may benefit from a few sessions, while others may engage in coaching for several months. Your therapist will work with you to determine an appropriate timeline.

  • Parent coaching can address a wide range of issues, including but not limited to:

    • Effective communication

    • Positive discipline techniques

    • Behavior management (reinforcement, shaping, extinguishing)

    • Conflict resolution

    • Emotional regulation

    • Stress management

    • Strengthening parent-child relationships

  • Parent coaching focuses on providing practical strategies and skills for improving parenting and family dynamics. It is often goal-oriented and short-term. Therapy, on the other hand, may involve exploring deeper psychological issues and may be longer-term. Coaching is more about action and implementation, while therapy can include emotional healing and processing past experiences.

  • Yes, parent coaching is confidential. Therapists  maintain privacy and confidentiality, ensuring a safe space for parents to discuss their concerns and challenges. Exceptions to confidentiality may include situations involving harm to self or others, as required by law.

  • Yes, many of our therapists offer online sessions via telehealth, making it convenient for parents to access support from the comfort of their homes or even during breaks at work. Telehealth can be just as effective as in-person sessions.

  • The cost of parent coaching varies depending on the therapist based on experience and licensure. Our fees range from $180 to $260 for a 45 - 50 minute session.

  • Some of our therapists offer parent coaching skills phone calls. These calls are typically 1-5 minutes in nature. Please note this is not a process phone call but truly a call for skills coaching. We identify the presenting problem, discuss skills you have used, and offer alternative skills to use at that moment. 

  • We do not accept insurance. We can provide a superbill for services which you may be able to use to file for Out-of-Network (OON) reimbursement. Please follow up with your insurance company about OON benefits, deductibles, and reimbursement rates.

Our Team

Fees & Insurance:

We do not accept insurance. We can provide a superbill for services which you may be able use to file for Out-of-Network (OON) reimbursement.

Please follow up with your insurance company about OON benefits, deductibles, and reimbursement rates.

  • The cost of parent coaching varies depending on the therapist based on experience and licensure. Our fees range from $180 to $260 for a 45 - 50 minute session.Fees vary by clinician and are determined by their experience and education level. Individual therapy fees range from $180–$240 for a 45–50 minute therapy session.


We believe that knowledge is the key to living a life worth living.

In the spirit of collaboration and learning, we have put together a comprehensive list of resources.

Are you ready to help your child with the skills they need to create a more meaningful life?