Adult DBT Program:

DBT isn’t just therapy. It’s the path to a life worth living.

Our comprehensive Adult DBT Program offers lifelong skills in a supportive and non-judgmental environment. That’s why we specialize in adherent DBT, ensuring you receive the best possible support and care.

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Adult DBT Program Components:

These four components are done concurrently:

  • Individual therapy sessions are a collaborative process where the therapist and client work together to address current issues, develop coping strategies, and track progress. Weekly sessions are held concurrently with the Skills Training Group.

  • Skills group serves to enhance your capabilities by teaching behavioral skills and assigning practice homework. Groups meet weekly and typically take 24 weeks (give or take a few weeks due to holidays and breaks) to get through the skills curriculum. The full cycle is then repeated to optimize skills learning. Please see below for more details on the Adult Skills Training Group.

  • Phone coaching is for clients participating in our full comprehensive DBT program. This is typically a 1-5 minute phone call with a client’s individual therapist that takes place out-of-session. It is to help clients apply skills in real-time when they are experiencing distress or facing a challenging situation.

  • Your individual therapist will be meeting weekly with the consultation team. This team provides support and ensures that therapists are delivering effective and adherent DBT treatment.

Adult Skills Training Group

Skills group is to enhance your capabilities by teaching skills and assigning practice homework. Groups meet weekly and take 24 weeks to get through the full skills curriculum. The full cycle is then repeated to make this a one-year program.

Adult Group Modules

Distress Tolerance & Mindfulness (8 weeks)

Emotion Regulation & Mindfulness (8 weeks)

Interpersonal Effectiveness & Mindfulness (8 weeks)

Group Skills


  • DBT is different from other therapeutic approaches in that it has several components rather than just individual therapy sessions. These components include weekly individual therapy, group skills training, phone coaching with your therapist outside sessions, and your therapist is part of a group of DBT specialists who meet weekly.

  • Not necessarily, depending on the severity of the issue you may not need all of the DBT components. During our initial consultation, we will assess your needs and recommend a course for treatment.

  • A fully adherent DBT program follows all the core principles and components of Dialectical Behavior Therapy, including individual therapy, skills training group, phone coaching, and consultation team meetings.

    In general, DBT is suitable for anyone who struggles with intense emotions, impulsive behaviors, and relationship difficulties. It provides a structured approach to building a life worth living by teaching practical skills and fostering a supportive therapeutic environment.

  • This can be subjective from person to person. The research completed to support DBT is based on completing two full rounds of DBT skills which means doing all of the modules twice, in addition to participating in weekly individual DBT therapy sessions at the same time. In essence, it’s usually a little over one year.

  • Yes, we have several clients that choose to stay with their individual therapist outside of our practice. With that being said, we do require that each client be in weekly individual therapy with their therapist. Please note that we do not provide DBT phone coaching to clients seeing outside therapists as that is done with each client’s individual therapi

  • We absolutely believe in collaboration. We send out emails to outside therapists every module explaining what skills our clients are learning and give an update as well on what we are observing as the group leaders. We welcome updates outside therapists as well and enjoy working in tandem with them.

  • No, we ask that each client verbally commit and agree to doing one full round of modules. Doing one module is not really participating in DBT and does not allow time or learning for sufficient change.

  • Sometimes providers will say they offer Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) but only provide certain aspects of this particular treatment. When seeking DBT treatment, be sure to ask which components providers offer. It is important to note that not everyone needs all of these components, but for certain problems and diagnoses, research suggests that a comprehensive approach is essential. As intensively trained DBT therapists we provide a full comprehensive program to our clients and strive to be DBT adherent.

  • You can just participate in the class but each client must commit to doing all three modules and must be in weekly individual therapy.

  • At this time we offer in person and virtual therapy services in Georgia, and virtual therapy services in Florida. If you are looking for DBT services outside of Georgia or telehealth for Florida please visit to find an intensively trained DBT therapist near you.

  • We have therapists that offer individual DBT sessions via telehealth. At this time we do not offer our groups virtually.

  • Fees vary by clinician and are determined by their experience and education level. See below for more information.

  • We do not accept insurance. We can provide a superbill for services which you may be able to use to file for Out-of-Network (OON) reimbursement. Please follow up with your insurance company about OON benefits, deductibles, and reimbursement rates.

Our Team

Fees & Insurance:

We do not accept insurance. We can provide a superbill for services which you may be able use to file for Out-of-Network (OON) reimbursement.

Please follow up with your insurance company about OON benefits, deductibles, and reimbursement rates.

In our adherent DBT Programs, individuals are required to participate in individual therapy sessions concurrently with group skills classes.

  • Fees vary by clinician and are determined by their experience and education level. Individual therapy fees range from $180–$240 for a 45–50 minute therapy session.

    • Adult DBT Skills Class: $720 per 8-week module of the DBT skills group (one year/six modules recommended).

    • For the Adult DBT skills Classes, there is a pre-group assessment that is required, which is $220.


We believe that knowledge is the key to living a life worth living.

In the spirit of collaboration and learning, we have put together a comprehensive list of resources.

Are you ready to create a life worth living with our Adult DBT program?