Associate clincian:

Sarah Catherine Roux,

Sarah Catherine Roux is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the state of Georgia.

Ms. Roux holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology (2014) and a Master of Social Work (2019). She holds a Certificate of Completion in multiple Comprehensive and Intensive DBT Trainings. She has been practicing Dialectical Behavior Therapy for 6 years with adolescents, families, and groups.

Qualifications & Experience:

> B.S in Psychology from Kennesaw State University

> M.S.W. from Kennesaw State University

> Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) in the state of Georgia

> Certificate of Completion in Comprehensive DBT Training, DBT Skills Training, and DBT Advanced Case Conceptualization Training by Kim Vay, LPC, DBT-LBC and Shari Manning, PhD, DBT-LBC

> Experience providing DBT services in Residential Treatment and Intensive In-Home settings

> 6 years of experience, in addition to a clinical internship year, providing DBT and psychotherapy to individuals, groups, and families 

Specializing In:

Adolescent Individual Therapy ages 13 and up

Adult Individual Therapy


Treatment Philosophy::

I believe that every person deserves a chance to live a life worth living. I believe that life struggles can feel completely overwhelming, and that the future may feel like a scary place.  I fully believe that every person is capable of building a life worth living if given the opportunity to learn the skills and techniques needed to work through the various difficulties of life. 

 As a clinician, I like to focus on a comprehensive and holistic approach that emphasizes your goals for treatment and for life as a whole. My approach focuses on the collaborative therapeutic relationship between a clinician and client, as you are the expert in your own life. I am an intensively trained DBT therapist. My goal is to create a safe, authentic, and nonjudgmental space for you to be your true self in order to help you create your own personal life worth living.

“If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one”

– Dolly Parton

Our Team

Our Services

Supervision, Consultation & Education Outreach:

Looking to become a licensed mental health professional or hone your skill set within a specific modality?

At Perimeter DBT, we provide comprehensive support for professionals seeking licensure through individual and group supervision. Additionally, we offer group consultation and educational outreach, all led by seasoned experts. Whether you’re looking to enhance your skills, gain licensure, or expand your knowledge, our experienced team is here to guide you every step of the way.

Ready to build the life you want through compassion, knowledge, & evidence-based treatment?